Levine Center for the Arts + Duke Energy Center Green Roof

Levine Center for the Arts + Duke Energy Center Green Roof
Armed with a $2M budget and clear objectives, HGOR redesigned this .5-acre plaza which serves as the center point of Uptown Charlotte’s new arts district. Food vendors, art and performance space and both fixed and flexible seating space offer visual variety and distinct vantage points to add to an active sense of place. Simple, durable materials, low-maintenance materials are used throughout to provide a calm, comfortable environment.
Additionally, HGOR designed a 25,000 square- foot green roof located on the new Duke Energy Center building. Accessed directly from the office tower, this rooftop amenity provides welcome respite to office workers and visitors. It features serpentine walkways, a large gathering area for special events, a radial trellis and granite seat wall and a garden pavilion, all set within a lushly planted landscape.
LEED Platinum Certified
Location | Charlotte, North Carolina |
Year Completed | 2010 |
Size | .5 acres |
Design Team | Steve Sanchez |
Award of Excellence, Urban Land Institute - Americas, 2012