Mercer University Urban Forest

Mercer University Urban Forest
HGOR was asked to analyze the property at both a regional level and a site level to determine its value as an Urban Forest. Using both a physical and GIS data analysis, the goal was to identify the 140-acre urban forested riparian tract within a larger ecological and hydrologic context, analyze the site ecological zones and plant communities, document opportunities for use of the land in fulfillment of larger University mission for research, teaching and public outreach.
The Urban Forest is a unique and valuable asset at both a regional hydrologic level as well as a local ecological level. The findings of the Urban Forest analysis demonstrate a rich, yet imperiled urban forest and riparian environment which has the capacity to stimulate new research and public interest into the value of urban riparian environments.
Merit Award, American Society of Landscape Architects - Georgia Chapter, 2016
Location | Atlanta, Georgia |
Year Completed | 2016 |
Size | 140 acres |
Design Team | Steve Sanchez, Todd Fuller |