Piedmont Park

Piedmont park
HGOR has a long history with Piedmont Park. The Piedmont Park Conservancy elected Bob Hughes as the chairman of the board of directors in 2010 where Bob oversaw the completion of the 53-acre expansion of the historic park. While presiding as chairman, Bob’s involvement spanned from leadership in key fundraising events, oversight of the $45 million dollar park expansion project and playing a vital role in negotiations between civic for-profit ventures on behalf of the park’s non-profit organization. This project sparked a new set of standards for future park projects and positions HGOR at the forefront of innovative park design.
The Mayor’s Grove Playground project was the first step in implementing a master plan to renovate Piedmont Park’s historic bathhouse and pool. This project was founded by partnering with WSB’s “Going Green” campaign and the City of Atlanta’s movement to update all city playgrounds to meet BoundlessTM criteria. HGOR’s role was to update site hardscape and landscape features to match the park’s historic aesthetic context and meet the BoundlessTM playground site requirements while addressing site planting and hydrology-- holistically and sustainably.
The new restroom building’s pursuit of LEED Silver Certification is aided by a responsive site design that includes a series of rain gardens and a diverse native plant pallet. The water quality and infiltration system is a model used throughout the park’s fifty-three-acre expansion.
Location | Atlanta, Georgia |
Collaborators | The Piedmont Park Conservancy |
Size | 53 Acres |
Design Team | Bob Hughes, Steve Sanchez |